Female Hair Loss
Treating Hair Loss in Women
Ten percent of our hair loss patients are women. The condition can have major repercussions on a woman’s confidence. We treat hair loss in women at our Overland Park, KS office using follicular unit extraction (FUE) and follicular unit transplantation (FUT) techniques. Drs. Buchwach and Goldstein have helped many women restore their hair. During a consultation, they can determine the best way to help you achieve your goals.
How Common is Hair Loss in Women?
Unlike men, female hair loss can have many causes. We recommend women see a Dermatologist prior to seeing us to establish a diagnosis.
Generally, we limit doing a Hair Transplant to those women who have:
Female pattern hair loss
Traction alopecia
Want a lowering of their hairline.
Thinning after chemotherapy

Female Pattern Baldness vs. Male Pattern Baldness
A key difference between female and male pattern baldness is where the hair loss occurs. In men, hair loss usually begins at the hair line and progresses backward toward the crown. In females. The very beginning of the hair line is intact and then the hair loss moves backward. Also the lateral temporal areas are often affected in women creating an unflattering expansive forehead.
Other Effects of Female Hair Loss
Female hair loss is often damaging to a woman’s self-esteem. For many women, their hair is part of their identity. The negative effects a woman suffers are usually worse when hair loss begins at a younger age. Women may suffer anxiety and depression as a result of female pattern baldness. Additionally, hair loss in women is much more difficult to conceal than male hair loss. Men can more easily choose to shave their heads or wear hats more frequently. Fortunately, FUE and FUT treatments can provide permanent hair restoration that helps women experience the confidence they deserve.
Do I Qualify for Hair Restoration?
In most cases,we recommend women undergo follicular unit transplantation (FUT) to avoid having to shave the back of the head, which is necessary for FUE.However we are seeing an increasing number of women who want FUE since we can do a concealment of the shaved area.. Women suffering from androgenetic alopecia or experiencing hair loss due to chemotherapy can be candidates for hair transplant surgery. Hair restoration is safe for chemotherapy patients as long as they are in remission and at least a year has passed since their last chemotherapy treatment. Of course, their medical oncologist should be aware of the procedure and have no objections. Women experiencing hair loss related to other medical condition should have a workup by their personal physician or dermatologist before considering hair restoration surgery.

Learn More about Hair Restoration for Women
Our care has helped many women overcome the challenges that accompany hair loss. If you are suffering from hair loss, contact us online using our Contact Form or call (913) 491-1400 to schedule a hair restoration consultation. You can depend on our team to help you find the best solution for your needs.
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Contact Us
Monday - Friday - 8:30am–5:30pm
Saturday & Sunday - Closed
Map & Directions
5701 W 119th St., Ste 319
Overland Park, KS 66209
* Located in the Menorah Medical Center, Building One (D), 3rd Floor